MP3 1. Johnny Beattie - The Good Old Days
MP3 2. Francie and Josie - Hallawrerr
MP3 3. Johnny Beattie - The Kirk Elder
MP3 4. Francie and Josie - I'm Glad I Was Born in Glasgow
MP3 5. Johnny Beattie - I Belong to Glasgow
MP3 6. Francie and Josie - Wachlin' Name
MP3 7. Johnny Beattie - Horsey Keep Your Tail Up / Tip
MP3 8. Francie and Josie - We'd Rather Be Here
MP3 9. Hector Nicol - Scotch & Full of It
MP3 10. Francie and Josie - Hee-Drum Ho Drum Ragtime
MP3 11. Johnny Beattie - A Canny Come oot the Noo
MP3 12. Francie and Josie - Glasgow Underground
MP3 13. Johnny Beattie - The Star o' Rabbie Burns
MP3 14. Francie and Josie - Medley
MP3 15. Johnny Beattie - The Good Old Days Reprise
MP3 16. Hector Nicol - Still Full of It