MP3 1. AYA - Looking for the Sun
MP3 2. AYA - Slippin'
MP3 3. AYA - Nobody Knows Me
MP3 4. AYA - You're Not the Only One
MP3 5. AYA - Uptown
MP3 6. AYA - 45 Parade Place
MP3 7. AYA - I'll Never Give In
MP3 8. AYA - Do What You Want
MP3 9. AYA - Afterhours
MP3 10. AYA - Uptown (Dub)
MP3 11. AYA - Put Your Faith in Us
MP3 12. AYA - Sean
MP3 13. AYA - Curtain Call
MP3 14. AYA - Lullaby for Stephen