MP3 1. Gina Joyce - Golden Jubilee
MP3 2. Brendan Quinn - A Mother's Loves
MP3 3. Roly Daniels - Carrickfergus
MP3 4. Brian Coll - Cattle Call
MP3 5. Barnbrack - If We Only Had Old Ireland
MP3 6. Big Tom - The Carroll County Accident
MP3 7. Gerry & Ohio - Goodbye Mary
MP3 8. Ann Williamson - Maggie
MP3 9. Brendan Quinn - My Wild Irish Rose
MP3 10. Brian Coll - Rose of Tralee
MP3 11. LAGANMEN - Mursheen Durkin
MP3 12. Roly Daniels - Noreen Bawn
MP3 13. Ann Williamson - Old Rugged Cross
MP3 14. Leo McCaffrey - Star of the County Down
MP3 15. Gerry & Ohio - The Old House
MP3 16. Gina Joyce - Sweet Forget Me Nots