The Beatles for Orchestra - Carl Davis, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andy Vinter, Steve McManus, Peter Callard, Dave Holmes, Neal Wilkinson, Steve Socci, Rhys Owens & Jonathan Aasgaard

all you need is love arr c egan and r sidwell carl davis royal liverpool philharmonic orchestra andy vinter steve mcmanus peter callard dave holmes neal wilkinson steve socci lyrics

Carl Davis, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andy Vinter, Steve McManus, Peter Callard, Dave Holmes, Neal Wilkinson, Steve Socci, Rhys Owens & Jonathan Aasgaard Song

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 2011-08-02
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 20


Song all you need is love arr c egan and r sidwell carl davis royal liverpool philharmonic orchestra andy vinter steve mcmanus peter callard dave holmes neal wilkinson steve socci lyrics
