MP3 1. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Evgenia Verbitskaya & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: Introduction
MP3 2. Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Andrej Ivanov, Georgi Nelepp, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre - Queen of Spades: Burn, burn br
MP3 3. Georgi Nelepp, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Andrej Ivanov & Evgenia Verbitskaya - Queen of Spades: How did the g
MP3 4. Pavel Lisitian, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre - Queen of Spades: Finally God h
MP3 5. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre - Queen of Spades: I am frighten
MP3 6. Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Evgenia Verbitskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: What a witch
MP3 7. Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Evgenia Verbitskaya - Queen of Spades: Se non e vero
MP3 8. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Eugenia Smolenskaya - Queen of Spades: Evening alrea
MP3 9. Georgi Nelepp, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Eugenia Smolenskaya & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: Bewitching! E
MP3 10. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Naina - Elena Korneyeva, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: Mesdemoiselle
MP3 11. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: It´s time no
MP3 12. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Evgenia Verbitskaya - Queen of Spades: Happily and m
MP3 13. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre - Queen of Spades: The master as
MP3 14. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Georgi Nelepp, Pavel Lisitian, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: Stay for one
MP3 15. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: I would like
MP3 16. Pavel Lisitian, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Georgi Nelepp & Andrej Ivanov - Queen of Spades: Under the thi
MP3 17. Eugenia Smolenskaya, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Veronika Borissenko, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Pavel Lisitian - Queen of Spades: My darling li
MP3 18. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: Who, ardently
MP3 19. Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Evgenia Verbitskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: Everything is
MP3 20. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Pavel Lisitian & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: That´s not e
MP3 21. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Veronika Borissenko, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov & Eugenia Smolenskaya - Queen of Spades: Don´t be fri
MP3 22. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Evgenia Verbitskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: I do not beli
MP3 23. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Evgenia Verbitskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: I am frighten
MP3 24. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Pavel Lisitian, Andrej Ivanov, Eugenia Smolenskaya, Veronika Borissenko & Georgi Nelepp - Queen of Spades: Midnight is a
MP3 25. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Pavel Lisitian, Andrej Ivanov, Georgi Nelepp, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: But if the cl
MP3 26. Pavel Lisitian, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Eugenia Smolenskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: We will drink
MP3 27. Evgenia Verbitskaya, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Eugenia Smolenskaya & Veronika Borissenko - Queen of Spades: If darling gi
MP3 28. Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Pavel Lisitian, Georgi Nelepp, Andrej Ivanov, Veronika Borissenko & Eugenia Smolenskaya - Queen of Spades: To business,