MP3 1. Joanie Bartels - Supercalifragilisticexpialidoc
MP3 2. Joanie Bartels - Chickery Chick
MP3 3. Joanie Bartels - This Old Man
MP3 4. Joanie Bartels - Animal Crackers In My Soup
MP3 5. Joanie Bartels - The Witch Doctor
MP3 6. Joanie Bartels - Mairzy Doats
MP3 7. Joanie Bartels - Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny
MP3 8. Joanie Bartels - Sillie Pie
MP3 9. Joanie Bartels - I Like Bananas Because They Ha
MP3 10. Joanie Bartels - The Name Game
MP3 11. Joanie Bartels - The Alphabet Song
MP3 12. Joanie Bartels - Do Your Ears Hang Low
MP3 13. Joanie Bartels - The Aba Daba Honeymoon
MP3 14. Joanie Bartels - Swinging On a Star