MP3 1. Matthew Stark - Under Attack
MP3 2. Lou Engle - We Want God
MP3 3. Micah Walley & David Hofshi - The War (Testimonies)
MP3 4. Mattee Ray & Micah Walley - Nothing But the Blood
MP3 5. Matthew Stark & Michael O'Brien - Deliver Me
MP3 6. Tia Davis - Consuming Fire
MP3 7. Jen & Chantelle Hall - Jen's Story
MP3 8. Dr. Raleigh B. Washington - Godly Men
MP3 9. Michael O'Brien - Purify Me
MP3 10. Richy Clark - Washing Over Me
MP3 11. Rick Pino - Mighty Warrior
MP3 12. Mattee Ray & Micah Walley - The Standard
MP3 13. Michael O'Brien - Come In My Beloved
MP3 14. Lou Engle, Scott MacLeod & Micah Walley - Pure Love Revolution
MP3 15. Todd Ganovski - Shining