MP3 1. Sonny Chillingworth - Portuguese Washerwoman
MP3 2. Billy Gonsalves - Haaheo
MP3 3. Marlene Sai - Kainoa
MP3 4. Jesse Kalima - Lepe Ula Ula
MP3 5. Eddie Kamae - Sweet Someone
MP3 6. Melveen Leed - Besame Mucho
MP3 7. Bill Kaiwa - Molokai Nui
MP3 8. Billy K and The Seamen - Lei Pakalana
MP3 9. Paradise Serenaders - Nanakuli
MP3 10. George Paoa - Maui Boy
MP3 11. Danny Kapoi Trio - Manu 'O'o
MP3 12. Leina'ala Haili - Kalena
MP3 13. Iwalani Kahalewai - Aloha Kauai
MP3 14. Lucky Luck - There's No Place Like Hawaii