MP3 1. The Defenestration Unit - Conocybe (Live)
MP3 2. The Defenestration Unit - Psilocybe (Live)
MP3 3. The Defenestration Unit - Copelandia (Live)
MP3 4. The Defenestration Unit - Pluteus (Live)
MP3 5. The Defenestration Unit - Galerina (Live)
MP3 6. The Defenestration Unit - Pholiotina (Live)
MP3 7. The Defenestration Unit - Gymnopilus (Live)
MP3 8. The Defenestration Unit - Panaeolus (Live)
MP3 9. The Defenestration Unit - Inocybe (Live)
MP3 10. The Defenestration Unit - Mycena (Live)