MP3 1. TOBACCO - Full of Doom
MP3 2. TOBACCO - Honey of the Trick
MP3 3. TOBACCO - This Man
MP3 4. TOBACCO - For the Queen
MP3 5. TOBACCO - Jararacussu
MP3 6. TOBACCO - Accuser of the F****n Brethren
MP3 7. TOBACCO - Everything Around the Knife
MP3 8. TOBACCO - Stridex Dealer
MP3 9. TOBACCO - Sorority
MP3 10. TOBACCO - Dianetics Jr
MP3 11. TOBACCO - Rat Bike
MP3 12. TOBACCO - Room with HBO
MP3 13. TOBACCO - Under the Shit Bridge
MP3 14. TOBACCO - Half Tengu
MP3 15. TOBACCO - Saturday Coyote