MP3 1. Barney - ABC Song
MP3 2. Barney - Bumpin' Up and Down
MP3 3. Barney - What Shall We Make Today
MP3 4. Barney - Clean Up
MP3 5. Barney - The Clapping Song
MP3 6. Barney - Itsy Bitsy Spider
MP3 7. Barney - The Baby Bop Hop
MP3 8. Barney - Silly Sounds
MP3 9. Barney - By Myself!
MP3 10. Barney - I Love to Read/Books Are Fun!
MP3 11. Barney - Brushing My Teeth
MP3 12. Barney - Squishy, Squashy, Washy
MP3 13. Barney - Buckle Up My Seatbelt/Riding i
MP3 14. Barney - The Gaggle, Giggle, Wiggle Dan
MP3 15. Barney - Down By the Bay/It's a Fun, Fu
MP3 16. Barney - The Duckies Do!
MP3 17. Barney - Mary Had a Little Lamb
MP3 18. Barney - Old MacDonald Had a Farm
MP3 19. Barney - The Popcorn Song
MP3 20. Barney - Pumpernickel
MP3 21. Barney - Laugh With Me!
MP3 22. Barney - I Can Laugh
MP3 23. Barney - I Love You