MP3 1. Ted Cruz - Donald Trump's Absence
MP3 2. Marco Rubio - Uniting the G.O.P.
MP3 3. Jeb Bush - Republican Establishment
MP3 4. Chris Christie - Political Compromise
MP3 5. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio - Ted Cruz Support
MP3 6. John Kasich - Republican Reform
MP3 7. Ben Carson - Political Inexperience
MP3 8. Ted Cruz - Military Strength
MP3 9. Chris Christie - Presidential Qualifications
MP3 10. Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio & Rand Paul - Middle East Unrest
MP3 11. Marco Rubio & Rand Paul - Domestic Terrorism
MP3 12. Chris Christie - Profiling
MP3 13. Ben Carson - Political Correctness
MP3 14. John Kasich - Destroying ISIS
MP3 15. Jeb Bush - Veterans Affairs
MP3 16. Rand Paul - Criminal Justice Reform
MP3 17. Chris Christie - Federal Funding
MP3 18. Ted Cruz - Obamacare
MP3 19. Jeb Bush - Puerto Rico
MP3 20. John Kasich - Dealing With Crisis
MP3 21. Marco Rubio - Climate Change
MP3 22. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul & Chris Christie - Illegal Immigration
MP3 23. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush & Marco Rubio - Immigration Reform
MP3 24. Ted Cruz - Political Endorsements
MP3 25. Jeb Bush & Marco Rubio - Beating Clinton
MP3 26. Marco Rubio - Electability
MP3 27. Chris Christie - Bridgegate
MP3 28. John Kasich - Medicaid
MP3 29. Chris Christie - Religous Liberty
MP3 30. Marco Rubio & Rand Paul - Religious Faith
MP3 31. Ben Carson - Putin
MP3 32. Marco Rubio & John Kasich - Iran Nuclear Deal
MP3 33. Chris Christie - Libya
MP3 34. Rand Paul - Bill Clinton
MP3 35. Jeb Bush - Ethnic Tolerance
MP3 36. Ted Cruz & Ben Carson - Government Subsidies
MP3 37. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rand Paul & John Kasich - Closing Statements