- Beautiful!
By Jada2137
This man has a beautiful voice.
- Christmas Album Please!!!
By SteveotheFace
The smooth anointed vocals of JonMac is captivatingly applied to Mark Lowry's Christmas classic. It will make you pray for a Christmas album from this vocal beast.
- Simply Beautiful
By karieb64
This beautifully reflective song whose melody brings the mysterious and wondrous nature of the birth of Christ to life is so often butchered by overproduction. This is without question the most perfectly beautiful version of this song I have ever heard.
- Angelic
By Angel Writer8
I have never heard Jonathan McReynolds before…his voice is beautifully haunting.
- Incredible Gift to All Who Listens
By Rororororojo
I wonder did Jonathan McReynolds mother know that she has birthed a child with such an incredible gift that would change lives all across this nation??? Love his music, and his talent!
- Anointed
By Queen Angie 27
When God has established you for such a time as this, it can be a song we have heard for years and he will still give it a fresh anointing. Great man of God.