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Title Artist Time
Cover Album -


  • Love it!
    By Mickey Mike
    I was 13 yo when this came out. Loved it then and love it now! This is a classic album in my book!
  • 2 songs would not play
    By Bix Lives!
    Apple does this too much. All but TWo songs play! They take your time reauthorising (I still have 2 computer authorised i can not get UN authorised as they are more than 10 years in the past! I am bedridden -severely disabled. This is not why I buy usic. Apple takes my money and returns a big hassle to me. Mean. To a disabled person it feels personal and like I am being punished because I thibnk Apple has not lived up to it's potential. I once believed Apple to be a special company, more worthy than others. I find this depressing. I cannot even buy a new iTouchplayer to play the 20 years of music I have purchased from Apple. INSULT TO INJURY
  • Watch the “movie”!
    By iron maiden3
    The album in any form is not worth wasting money on!! You only have one Joe Cocker,The Who & Jefferson Airplane!! There is no CCR what so ever on any album version!! This is full of the lesser talented acts that were at Woodstock!! Joan Baez & Canned Heat we’re awful!! Also, buy the bands albums over this!!
  • Apple Music could be the greatest source of music but no
    By Reader18
    1959 was a great time in New York. The Mets won the Wirkd Series, islanders won the NHL championship as did our basketball won the NBA championship then of course we had Woodstock. I have the vinyl, bought immediately when available. Excitement was palpable at that time for New York’s “fans” and your offer as the album is lacking. As a member of Apple Music purchasing any album unavailable to members doesn’t agree with my ethics anyway. What a disappointment. Why do we not have accesss to the full original soundtrack?!
  • Music that will last forever
    By Phishphantom
    You can't touch this music now or ever. It's gonna live on for generations. We're not gonna take it as good as live music will ever get!
  • No. Just no.
    By AlexBegs
    WHERE’S JANIS? You’re going to put 2 songs of Joan’s and 3 of Crosby, Stills, Nash but none of Joplin... sorry, no. Have some respect.
  • Why?
    By BigC207
    Why buy this watered down, partial story of Woodstock? Woodstock is part of rock history and this doesn't do justice to it. Find the original. It will beworth it.
  • Not the complete
    By don buck
    For $5 I thought what a deal. It read 21 songs but there were only 14. Then I checked the original listing and there were more than 21 songs on the original. A bit disappointed.
  • Woodstock 1
    By Wendover51
    This is a Partial Re-Release by Rhino Entertainment. The Original was by The Welk Recording Group. Cotillion recording division.
  • THE WHO!!!
    By WhoFan1