- Fantastic Album
By AmorFati*
This is one of the best synthpop, new wave albums I’ve ever heard. Noah has great soothing vocals along with some catchy melodies and amazing synths. It’s a shame he abondoned this project because it has so much potential. This record would be almost impossible to top but it’s a shame we’ll never have more music that sounds just like this from Stitelman.
He has however, started a new band under the name Total Makeover.
- Thanks SomaFm Indie Pop Rocks!
By J. Nelson
Just found out about this band through Soma FM… it’s usually on when I’m working and sometimes, when I listen something i actually like.. I write it down and then go check them out in Itunes.
This time I bought the album at once. I know I should listen to it completely before rating it but just by the song “Young Things” I’m giving this 5 stars.
- Definitely NOT a "Failure"
By regodd
This record is excellent all the way through. Smart production and great voice. Hints of influence from the past, but overall comes across new and fresh.
- Awesome
By Abby4321
I really like this album. I've never heard of this band before I just stumbled upon them while searching for a different band. But I love these songs, they make me feel good and have great lyrics.