- Slays !
By Brandon Cole
I love this album
- Review
By hellokittyluvs24
Her album is good I really like some of the songs but I think Itunes should have the song " Don't wanna fight " by Qwote ft. Trina it's awesome
- huh?
By bomb518
ummmmmm, i dont know i about trina.i like lil scrappy, deuce poppi, snoop dog & dre they can stay just take out trina and it'll be good.
- Hm. No mystery woman, thats for damn sure.
By dre8
Check out the cover of Hip Hop Weekly frzzom 3 weeks ago. Trina can't keep her man away from the mystery woman and guess what???!?? The mystery woman kicks her ugly booty on the mic too.
- good
By ilikepotatoes
the belly buttom isss not classy. COVER YOUR BOOBIES!
- Trina kicks butt and she shops at Saks
By Lologirl
I really like this cd because it had beats that were different while still remaining true to the orginal hip hop rhymes. Yes there is provatative language but it doesn't take away from the songs and this is just a flat out good cd. . . and also ladies here we go again is a song for the cheatin' brotha. Trina is back and reprsenting for the independent woman that is not tryn to golddig on no man.
- OK
By Moll Woll
I LOVE the beat, but not so much the words. Talk about looks can be deceiving; she looks like Mariah Carey, but she sings like Missy Eliot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't like Missy Eliot, then don't buy this cd.
If you are looking for a G-rated song, YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I love.....
By Meg50
I love this song its awesome Trina is so coooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!
- i love......hate
By pirate luuver
i hate her her voice is reely annoying. i love brad gilson in pvb
By Xtremer
the song "here we go" is the best its a mix of rap and r & b its GREAT!!!!!!