- Wow
By micaelaaaa
This is like, so cool. I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!
- Ac/dc is awsome and this is soso...:/
By Hiya.
ac/dc is awsome, this band is pretty ok....:/
- nothing
By black snowman 88
i don't know what that other guy was talkin about these guys arn't that bad their actually pretty good
- Boring album
By The General Wakeen
Yeah.....I can see why this band didn't do so well. They sound like a bunch of posers who sit in their room all day listening to AC/DC and say they know everything there is to know about Metal. All these guys seem to do is record a bunch of crappy songs that all seem to sound the same, and then afterwards mess with the vocals to make them sound cool.