Caps Lock - CAPSULE

Caps Lock


  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2013-10-14
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 8



Title Artist Time
Caps Lock - CAPSULE
Cover Album Caps Lock - CAPSULE


  • toshi-loid
    By Mii-chi
    has toshiko become so robotic that she's now a vocaloid? toshiko sounded great in their earliest songs: clean, human, and able to be understood. i liked their electronic phase, increasingly vocoding her, making her sound techy but human. now, try singing along to shift or doing a karaoke of control. she is now hard to understand and if the intention was to only be sounds, why put in toshiko at all? the rest of the songs have no vocals, only being slightly annoying with random cuckoo clocks and bubble popping. nakata, you could do a better job in dubstep. what happened to the old capsule?
  • Throwback to the old days !
    By dogeymon
    I was hoping for another capsule album to come along that would bring back their older shibuya kei style. This is definitely a more chill album, not really made for the clubs like most of their modern albums. However, what really irritated me was how vocodered to death Toshiko's voice was. The vocoder has taken away all of her humanity and makes her sound like a fake robot voice. Considering how playful and beautiful her clean recorded voice has been on previous albums, that made it such a let down to listen to this. Every time I listen to Control, I keep wishing there was no vocoder on her voice. My hope is that Yasutaka re-releases this album, with clean sounding toshiko vocals. Not the overly robotisized ones. Hey, I'd buy it. I would love to have both.
  • Falling in love all over again
    By ChannelSquare
    Seriously, with each new CAPSULE album I literally fall in love all over again *u*
  • Could be better
    By BrandonYori
    Don't get me wrong, I love this album. Well, most of it. I wish there were more vocals from Toshiko on it, and I wish there were more songs! Songs like SHIFT, CONTROL, and RETURN are great, but what was with ESC?
  • I can't quite tell how I feel.
    By Nugimi
    The album is fine. There wasn't anything that stood out or stuck out to me in a negative or positive way. That being said it was a surprisingly easy listening. The sound that I heard were easy to follow with that Yasutaka flare. I would get this album if you know what the artist is about. Probably not a good representation of what CAPSULE is as an artist.
  • :) Amazing but...
    By movegun
    10/10 2000 ??? what? Not a new album?
  • amazing.
    By Domapoo
    This album makes me happy, thank you CAPSULE.
  • Not what I thought
    By Rei Hyuuga
    I was not very happy with this Album. The first 5 songs are iffy. It's like they were just made to be made. I thought I was being trolled for the first 5 songs but the last three made up for it. I would have rather just got those songs but all in all it is Capsule and I do enjoy most of their work. Their best of fans will enjoy this album, it just fell short with me.
  • Where's Toshiko
    By irel7
    A very relaxing and easy album to listen to, if you were expecting hard songs you might be a little dissapointed but theres always level 3!
  • Like this but...
    By lazesummerstone
    Really love this album, it's maybe different, but maybe going back to their roots in some subtle ways. But Itunes album review is for the incorrect band! Whats going on with that?