- Killed it
By She's hairy bro - xbl
Great job on this Album Rob, some of the remixes I wasn't feeling but you absolutely put out a great product hands down. Keep it coming brother
- Workout
By Zac wallace
Holy crap the workout music is strong in this
- Nice workout album
By rw norrth salon
I heard it on YouTube with a bodybuilding video. I had to download it for my workouts. Absolutely insanely motivating!!!!
- Killing it!
By Supergary1147
This is what helps push up those last few reps!
- Great music
By Pfaubsuvsjaqgn
Went hard in the gym to this album
- Great album for lifting
By thehammer55
This album gets me focused and pumped better than any preworkout. Awesome for the ones that take body building seriously and need every ounce of engery put into lifting.
- Awful
By RugbyAndChill
- So pumped!
By Heihgdvbfjbvt
I originally heard my friend listen to beast when he was working out , looked up the band, listened, and bought every song on here. Best money I've spent in awhile. It's all I listen to now, my girlfriend hates it, lol.
- Great work
By Rufhless
Keep up the good work
- Best find 2014
By jezterstone
Why did I just discover this... i feel like i've missed years of good music due to lack of looking...