Deutscher: The Music of Alma Deutscher - Alma Deutscher

Deutscher: The Music of Alma Deutscher

Alma Deutscher

  • Genre: Classical
  • Release Date: 2013-09-29
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6

  • ℗ 2013 Flara Records


Title Artist Time
Rondino in E-Flat Major for Vi 3:40 USD 0.99
Piano Sonata in E-Flat Major: 8:17 USD 0.99
Piano Sonata in E-Flat Major: 6:19 USD 0.99
Piano Sonata in E-Flat Major: 3:19 USD 0.99
Andante for Violin and Piano i 3:25 USD 0.99
Sonata for Viola and Piano in 11:18 USD Album Only
Deutscher: The Music of Alma Deutscher - Alma Deutscher
Cover Album Deutscher: The Music of Alma Deutscher - Alma Deutscher


  • Prodigy!
    By sunday storm
    Alma is such a prodigy. She has a true gift from God. This cd is amazing! It is so peaceful and relaxing. I hope Alma releases more of her music in the future!
  • Truly gifted young lady !!!
    By MadaH1
    Astonishing, uplifting melodies by a virtuoso pianist and violinist and composer, all in one amazing mind. Saw her debut performance in the US (San Jose Symphony) and gladly participated in the five (5 !) standing ovations she was given by an appreciative audience.
  • thanks
    By we can be heroes
    Saw alma on 60 Minutes right after learning of the Texas church shooting and realized we still have a chance.
  • Ojalá Dios me de vida, para oírla cuando componga su primera sinfonía.
    By chjimenez1974
    Siempre pensé, ¿qué sentiría la gente cuando oyó a Mozart por primera vez, o cuando estaban en la sala de conciertos esperando oír por primera vez una sinfonía de Beethoven? Oír las creaciones de Alma me hace sentir que tengo el privilegio de oír en ésta era a una compositora que va a dejar una gran huella en nuestro mundo. La música no tiene que ser extraña, como muchas de las últimas composiciones modernas que más que hermosas son excéntricas y no son del gusto del todo el público. Estas primeras composiciones de Alma, tienen el alma de un niño en cuanto a la inocencia, alegrías, miedos y tristezas de su música, sin embargo tiene una madurez musical que muchos compositores hoy día no la logran encontrar en toda su carrera. Realmente doy gracias a Dios de poder oír en éstos tiempos a una músico que crea cosas bellas, y estoy seguro que nos va a asombrar cuando con el tiempo cree sus primeras sinfonías, y sus conciertos crezcan con ella. Porque la madurez musical no aplica a ella, ya ella es música, lo que vamos a oír con los años es como al crecer ella su música lo hará con ella.
  • Amazing, also 9gag brought me here
    By Keltop
    This an amazing young girl, she plays so well, I'm not into classical music but I can't hate this. Very inspirational. Much talent. Such music. So rhythm. Wow.
  • Lovely
    By BriCheesey
    I saw her on the Ellen show and I am so glad I did! Thank you Ellen for sharing this wonderful little girl with us! So refreshing!
  • Amazing musician
    By loraencinas
    We saw Alma on The Today show, what an amazing and adorable musician. She inspired our 8 year old son to learn a musical instrument. We love her CD!
  • Refreshing alternative
    By Lulu Pilona
    What a refreshing alternative to the Miley Cyruses of the pop world. Alma gives hope for the future of "classical" music!
  • Every 50-100 years or so...
    By Joaquin P.
    Every 50-100 years or so mankind gets a gift the likes of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, The Beatles and so forth. I believe that Alma might very well be one of those gifts and I feel privileged to be around to hear and witness history in the making. This girl is a treasure of incalculable worth, not only musically, but spiritually as well. Hope she keeps developing her talent and virtuosity in years to come. I cannot imagine where she will take us next. The levels of maturity, musical independence, and technical virtuosity that she could very well achieve in years to come are beyond our current comprehension, and I love her for it. Alma, always do what you like, listen to your heart, stay true to yourself, never compromise, and please always share your gift. We will be in a better world because of it. Hope to hear more from you soon.
  • WOW
    By jets90
    This just flawless. The melodies on this are just amazing!