Special Magic Barn Fantastic
By Sean Loyless
I've spent the past two years in Austin getting to know the amazing local music scene, and I've been hearing a lot about Quiet Company. Recently I found out they were re-releasing their out-of-print first album Shine Honesty entirely rerecorded and remastered, so I figured it would be the best jumping on point.
I bought the album along with tickets to a private show for the album release (hence the title). After only hearing "The Emasculated Man And the City That Swallowed Him" previous to this and enjoying it, I was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the album lives up to the quality of their first hit single.
Taylor, Tommy, Matt, Jeff, and Cody crafted (and then re-crafted) a fantastic album that showcases great songwriting and music that denies your ability to keep your head from bopping along. Personal favorites: Fashionabel, Tie Your Monster Down, Emasculated Man, So Gracefully, new singles We Change Lives, & And You Said It Was Pretty Here.
If you are a new fan of Quiet Company and want a great starting point, then I highly recommend Dead Man. If you're a super fan and already own their entire collection, then you DEFINITELY want this new album for the updated songs and new singles.
Highly recommended.