Why listen small minds
By Jasper Dubois
I had a friend threaten to send this CD as a gift this morning. I hope it was a joke. I plan to dispose of it. Artists can speak their minds and I applaud that. While I try to have an open mind and listen to their views, I should not have to support those views. Public artists have a platform above most. They can share their views but it will have consequences. When a person in the public’s eye speaks out I support the freedom of speech. However when that person who has the influence of their fans marginalizes others it pains me. When the artist focuses their actions (or fears) do downgrade others which do no harm to them as an artist, they may satiate part of their fan base but they alienate many others and send a message that stupid is OK. The artist appears to disparage this person for only the fact they are transgender. Why? While a bold conservative statement makes them look like tough/macho to their base. I think they look like a weak shell of the conservative machine they promote. Years in the music industry have taught these artists to do what is expected for their close-minded conservative brand versus what is part of what I hope is their passion, the music they embrace and want to share with others. The harm they can bring in this fragile world with their vocal support of hate and marginalization is impacting minds who are trying to find their own voice. Everyone needs a seat at the table. No one should stifle one’s voice if not their own views. You express art in your way, let others express art in their way. If Anheuser-Busch wants to let others share in discussion of their product so be it. It does not mean it is the beer of transgenders. I thought it was one of America’s leading brands. It is a product for everyone. Parties for promotions, retirements, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, parades, cookouts, sports events, Friday, etc. it celebrates everyone’s achievements through all life stages - big or small. For everyone - your family, your friends, your neighbors. It is blind to your gender, skin color, country of origin, economic status, age or ANY other way you can slice the human race. They took a stand against freedom of expression through their comments. It is their own freedom to express their vitriol , However, their reach is bigger than mine. So I can respond here while those who marginalize those different than themselves get to continue their all about me campaign.