- Better than Aesther Shanties
By Tjgk87
Better than Aether Shanties but still not great. Still a bit to much gypsy polka for me and not enought dark steampunk.
- New Fan
By FMA04
In the past year my friend had recommended Abney Park to me, now i am hooked. This Album is vary good.
- Another great album
By One-Eyed-
Abney Park is one of my favorite bands. Not only do I love their music, but I respect their independence.
I love the steampunk vibe and think it has only enhanced their music. To those who have never heard Abney Park, it is difficult to find anything else to compare their music to. They are utterly unique and completely worth taking a chance one, no matter what your usual listening pleasure.
- Pure Talent
By David Ishmael
This album is quite simply brilliant! "The Story That Never Starts" is incredible and inspirational!
- Brilliant
By Hermioneninja
Despite what others think, I love this new direction that Abney Park is taking. A little darker but a also a lot more fun! :) 5 stars all the way!
- Brilliant
By Nalot
This band just gets better over time, this album is brilliant.
- Fantastic album, different
By Music_mole
With a couple of great hits (ancient world, the story that never starts) the rest of the album leaves some desire for more. Nonetheless, Abney Park worked its way to my favorite band and will remain there. I would love to hear more violin action from Titus!
- New Direction. Heading down.
By Dr. JLazurus
As a long time fan, and owner of a signed copy of End of Days, I can honestly say that I do not like the direction Robert is taking the band. I long for the days of classics like The Wrong Side, Thorns and Brambles, and the entirety of From Dreams or Angels. I love the band, but if the current trend continues, I think I'll be jumping ship at the next port.
- So many styles of "awesome" in one collection --
By John60169
Waiting for You - Automaton - Scupper Shanty - Tricked the Machine - Jealousy - All moved to my "Best of Everything" drive. If I had this on vinyl, I'd be on my 4th copy by now.
Hmmm… Vinyl… ;-)
- Amazing album.
By Captain Robert
Really good.