- Zou Bisou Zou Bisou
By Marco from NH
This song is a perfect example of why we like the Romantic French language. It's also a very catchy and uplifting song. The Retro acoustics are great and Megan is phenomenal in the video version.
- A Mad Men Fan.
By bbmichael
Her singing, her smile and beauty captures a sense of innocents to be in love. I would love to see more of her.
- Awesome reintroduction to Megan
By Patty78
I know last season Megan was a unpopular choice compared to the lady Don was dating. This little song and dance scene made her a star in a lot of people's eyes. Very catchy song and whimsical.
- Love at first Zou
By GregH
- Just fapped to this album cover.
By Pedo flake
Love this song. I've permanently burned the scene where Megan is in her granny panties telling Don that he is too old and to sit down and only look at her on my plasma tv. Worth it.
- Standout Song
By DonO.
I am a huge fan of 'Mad Men' and a huge fan of 60s music especially the lounge type genre. I totally loved the party scene in the new season opener and the great french song performed by Jessica Pare. I am so thrilled that it is available here. I can enjoy it over and over and add it to my collection of cool 60s music. Thanks 'Mad Men' and iTunes!
- This song is stuck in my head
By sms727
I LOVE YOU, MAD MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Delightfully retro
By Crispy_510
Such a fun song and an amazing performance.
- refreshing
By Fired Up and Ready to Go!!!!
fun song
killer hook
hilarious performance on the show
- Fantastic rendition in a classic 60s style
By Rodamus
Jessica Paré did a wonderful job in the show and the recording is proof of it. The arrangement and her rendition are classic 60s.