- I like Marc better
By metallifan101
than Zp. Yeah Zp was great but Marcs voice sounds more tasteful to the music better than Zp. Seems like a better fit to me.
- Great Album
By Wdwllc
I loved and miss ZP but this album is excellent as well. I absolutely recommend it for any DF fan as although it sounds different from their previous efforts it is a power metal masterpiece in its own right!
- Back Off
By ohioisntastate
ok so yeah they may use some post production effects....ok maybe a little too much post production effects. but to the people who are like its all computerized and filled with effects, theres this type of music i bet nobody who listens to Dragon Force but me knows about. Its called Indie-Alt, and the majority of the songs are all computerized. and thats some good stuff man. I used to not like DF with all the effects, but if effects are what it takes to get the sound a band is looking for, go ahead and use em! The only complaint i have about this is theres no ZP on it, you gotta admit his voice was the only voice for this band. My favorite part of this album is the fact its not 6 hours long.
- Sounds like dragonforce...kind of..
By 123!@#123234
This new album only has a few nice moments here and there, they are because of the music, not the vocals or lyrics. In contrast to Ultra Beatdown which, to me, was nearly a flawless album. Dragonforce used to have a unique sound in every aspect of their music, including vocals. The new singer sounds like a younger version of singers like D.C Cooper that have been around forever. While they are good singers, they are not unique. It takes away from what dragonforce was imo.
- I wanted to like this more!
By theMathGeek
Dragonforce is one of my all time favorite bands because of the depth of the music. Sadly, the Power WIthin lacks the emotional power that previous albums had. ZP was part of the Dragonforce sound and while the guitars and drums are still phenomenal, the music has been reduced to background noise as my mind wanders away while listening. "Fallen World" and "Give me the Night" are notable, but "Seasons" sounds like a sad attempt to recreate "Trail of Broken Tears" and the remaining tracks are not bad but not memorable. Don't get me wrong, Marc Hudson has an excellent voice but it was not captured or capitalized on with this album. For now, I'll blame the producers. But if the next album is just as forgettable, then I'll know that Dragonforce has truly passed its prime.
- Unimpressed
By Ixxik
Good solid album, but nothing that stands out to me. The guitar seems more subdued than their previous albums and is not set free to rocket across the scale as their previous albums. I expected alot from this album especially with the new singer but what I got failed to impress me. It is a good album but it just did not impress me.
- Still Great!
By metalllives
Worry not about the new singer and buy it! I can't stop listening to it!
- really
By metalisntdead
great music...... terrible singing........ marc hudson doesnt do this album any justice incoherently screaming epic lyrics is obviously only possible if your are ZP my recomendation for any df fan is to skip this one and stay with the other four albums
By MetalHead4543
This is the best album since Metallica's ...And Justice For All.
By the bisket panda
the best Dragonforce album ever!!!!