
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time
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  • Sweet :)
    By So_whatup
    The intention and lyrics were really sweet. It has a really amazing meaning. I like it. I love Justin and it's hard to express how much he really changed belieber's life. This song represented what all beliebers wanted to say. Which is Thank You.
  • :')
    By donnaxmarie
    Justin needs to see this. Haters you can hate about this song but its the way we can give back to him for making songs for us. Meet and greets and concerts for us.... Thank you JB. <3
  • Why am I just hearing this now???
    By sammyzizza
    I love this! This is so perfect. Justin deserves songs like this written about him. He really is an inspirational and kind hearted person.
  • I love it !
    By Ereeze
    this song made me cry !!
  • Justin
    By pattie!!!!!! :)
    Did justin see this?
  • I read the story on FB! Good song
    By Jaelynn Moore
    I had seen the page of the girl that made this with other beliebers and so I looked this up.. I would get it but I only have .61!!! Anyways it's a good song!
  • wrong person to be thanking
    By daclick86
    what happened to thanking god this song is cute but there singing it to the wrong person jb is not even that good to be getting no tribute wrong person to be singing to if thats the case than sing songs like this to everyone not just him
  • ehh
    By Kikmister
    ok, i'm a huge belieber and i love Justin with all my heart. but this singer is not very good & some of the lyrics are true, but some are just way too cheesy. sorry, but i won't be buying this. i'll thank Justin in my own way.
  • This people are high. Like Seriously
    By Bieber Fever Fan1
    Wow. Just wow. Right before I said "Wow" I was laughing so hard. I mean Bieber's nice and everything, but I didn't know people like worshiped him! I mean, Who could be sooooooo in love with Bieber that they write a heartfelt song about him? The people you wrote this song or either... 1. Gay 2. Crazy and need to go to Get Their brain checked out. ( Badly!) 3. Really really really like Bieber. 4. High off drugs.
  • Trash
    By Matthew Grantham
    Writing a song thanking one of the worst singers ever is not the way to start your career