Strange Mercy - St. Vincent

Strange Mercy

St. Vincent

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2011-09-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2011 4AD Ltd


Title Artist Time
Chloe In the Afternoon 2:55 USD 1.29
Cruel 3:34 USD 1.29
Cheerleader 3:28 USD 1.29
Surgeon 4:25 USD 1.29
Northern Lights 3:33 USD 1.29
Strange Mercy 4:28 USD 1.29
Neutered Fruit 4:13 USD 1.29
Champagne Year 3:28 USD 1.29
Dilettante 4:03 USD 1.29
Hysterical Strength 3:16 USD 1.29
Year of the Tiger 3:28 USD 1.29
Strange Mercy - St. Vincent
Cover Album Strange Mercy - St. Vincent


  • Best of the Best
    By Still awesome!
    I've always been one of those people who loves things just because they're new and savvy. I love St. Vincent's work, don't get me wrong. And her self-titled album is amazing. But it isn't what Strange Mercy is. Strange Mercy is by far her best work yet. It took me awhile to get into stuff by Annie that was obscure or unreleased or older. But once I did, I enjoyed her music even more! I love Cruel, Cheerleader,Surgeon, Northern Lights, Champagne Year, and Year of The Tiger! These are the reasons she is my all-time favorite artist. Can't wait 'till the Pieta-EP is gonna be on iTunes!
  • So good! Fav!
    By Alicia car.
    I drink 2 milkshakes to this album every morning! Banana milkshakes in case you were wondering :)
  • Oh boy this is great
    By Csag66
    So I discovered this now and she's been a few blocks away all this time. I literally don't know what's going on in my backyard it seems but here it is a redefinition, a new immersion into an old form, a new role for those guitars I love so much in skilled hands, precise fingers, a glorious nervous system leaping fast forward in time. I can see the world clutching at your ankles please kick them all away and curl up with your muse.
  • I love this album
    By keanedawg
    there are a couple songs that are kinda meh, but honestly evem the songs on here that aren't super popular are really good, aside from "Cruel", most of the unbought songs in my opinion are better than the ones currently being sold. So all i have to say to that is that this is a great album to get if any
  • Kate Bush in the 21st Century
    By Rebote
    This is the music with integrity that I fell in love with Kate Bush writing/singing. WOW.
  • Rare gifts indeed
    By Arnold Diaz
    Annie Clark as St. Vincent is a Jane Siberry for the 21st century, and I for one am delighted. She's got the talent as a musician, the insight as a lyricist and the originality and quirkiness to put them both into a package that becomes greater than the sum total of its parts. St. Vincent reminds us that music doesn't have to fit into the molds that have been used and used and used over and over again, but can be reconceptualized into something new. I mean, sure, "Cruel" sounds like a remake of Kon Kan's 1980's remake of "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden," but even at that, there are repeated moments in the music when you say to yourself, "Wow, I've never heard THAT before." Exciting stuff.
  • Cruel song review
    By Gonna be ur #1 fan
    Love the simple riff. Tragic lyric concept, leaves u with the task of pairing the words with wat the imagery mite be. Music video is quite creative and comical. St. Vincent deserves recognition for her gravitation. ;)
  • album of the year 2011/2012
    By FranknPay
    Basically perfectly distorted pop music from start to finish - only wish I found the artist sooner.
  • Strange Addiction
    By ButterscotchGoodness
    The more I listen to this album, the more I get sucked it. I can't get the overall sound out of my head. It permeates with me throughout my day until I finally get a chance to revisit the majesty that is Strange Mercy.
  • Best Album Of 2011
    By FVC89
    Going back to 2011 I coudn't help but make a list of my favorite albums and it wasn't a surprise, but Strange Mercy was my #1. thus I've decided to review the album track by track, from favorite to least favorite. Here it is: 1. Cruel: 10/10: yeah yeah...first single, most popular, and usually first singles rarely become my favorite from albums, but St. Vincent played her cards perfectly with this move because it can't get more catchy than this. This song is eargasm for me. Lyric wise, despite the fact I'm not a woman, I still relate. I think anyone that has felt used, or abandoned at somepoint in their lives can find meaning in this song. The song has an amazing a disturbing guitar soloat 1:20 which give me the chills, yet my favorite part of the song is the last half cuz it grows and grows till it climaxes with a beautiful, bittersweet, cruel sensation. 2. Surgeon: 10/10: An extremely close second! It was really hard for me to put this song as my second favorite because it's the one i relate the most, and has a more epic sound than "Cruel". The lyrics can sound very sexual, but don't be fooled because they are about depression. But it's hard not to feel sexual with Annie's line "Best finnest surgeon come cut me open" ....I mean can it get sexier than that?! If you ever felt depressed, where all you did was spend your time in bed secluded because it was hard to get along with the world, well this song is about that. this song better get an oficial video soon! I'm so looking forward to see it. 3. Strange Mercy: 10/10: another close third....sigh...I'm telling you. How many albums have at least 3 songs this good? This song starts off with delicate vocalsand it's not until 2:40-3:30 that Annie explodes with what I think it's my favorite part of the entire album. No other part of the album takes me as high as that. I love how in the 4AD session ( you can find it on you tube) she says " "if I ever met that dirty policeman who F@#$%D you up" just makes the song so much better. . 4. Dilettante: 9/10: this song puts me in the mood...very sensual, very inviting...which is the whole message behind the song. It's the story of a boy and girl where the boy is falling asleep and the girl is like "hey I'm right here, what are you waiting for? I'm all yours." Favorite line is "You're like a party I heard through a wall... invite me" Totally a song you want to dedicate to someone you like and the signals you are sending aren't really doing anything. 5. Hysterical Strenght: 9/10: I don't understand why this song is so underrated and unpopular?! This song makes me wanna get up and dance, i love it! " hey it's your blood that makes my veins run" A must have! 6. Northern Lights: 8/10: What you can find here is a noisy collision of distorded sounds that result in an ugly yet beautiful explosion. 7. Chloe In The Afternoon: 8/10: I swear I hear Bjork in the opening quarter of the song.I'm really not sure what the song is about, but i feel like it has to do with some sexual encounter. 8. Cheerleader: 8/10: I think this song talks about regret. I'm not sure either... 2:22-2:35 sounds a lot like Bjork's "All Neon Like" I don't know what it is but i find alot of similarities between the two. 9. Champagne Year: 7/10: Very intimate lyrics I feel. The slowest paced song of the album. It's was grower for me. 10. Neutered Fruit: 7/10: a relaxing chill song... Nothing that's gonna wow you, but decent nontheless. 11. Year Of The Tiger: 7/10: I think the song is about the poor economy we are in. I'm not a fan of themes that involve politics and the current issues in society. Overall, I find Strange Mercy deserving of any critical acclaim. I'm excited for st. vincent because 2011 and 2012 will bring great results. I sure cant wait to see her in concert! If you like this album a suggest you bo and buy Actor (her second studio album) which is almost as good. I'm still in the process of listening to Marry Me her first album,so far i really like "Now, Now", "Paris Is Burning", "Marry Me", and "The Apocalypse Song". Annie MARRY ME!!!! I'll be so good to you! ;-)