- democratic yoda
By democratic yoda
How can anyone NOT like this? This is good stuff. Maybe it is not what you might have imagined it to be but take it for what it is - 2 Rock and Roll legends, and Young being the elder, is showing he's still got his voice. He's still got his deep grungy, thronging, electric guitar - which he has mastered - and the drums that Grohl brings make Young's usual steady & good beat into a slightly different flow/rythmn. It's like good beats, with small variable fills here and there. The classic Neil Young heavy and grungy sound with Dave Grohls amazing and versatile drum skills make this single well worth it's price and gets better every time you hear it.
- Sign Of love with David Grohl
By fitman30
Neil Young is a legend
- Very Good.
By Sedrick12
Considering his age he is certainly still rocking. Great work!
- When will this stop?
By dcbrowne
Really... it is so amazingly bad! When is enough?
- Are they in a garage?
By jeepkila
This sounds so bad, Neil is my hero but this is terrible
- Unfortunate
By FooFighter221
I personal have great respect for both artists on this track, Dave and Neil are two of the best musicians of all time and I think if you were to pull apart the track into separate Dave and Neil parts you would have two amazing songs, but as one the song reeks of forced production and lacks and form of cohesiveness. Terrible.
- Not good...
By Don't Even Point
I know you're probably not supposed to say this about a collaberative effort between a legend and a guy on his way to becoming a legend, but sometimes guys just make a crappy song...and they did.
- Muddy bucket recording
By kinogod
It sounds like this was recorded with the mic in a bucket filled with mud...I love NY and the hook and crunchy guitar sound is cool, but to record it like you've never recorded before seems like a Seattle pose if you ask me...but you didn't ask me and NY's a king who can mess with it anyway he wants. For my money, I woulda bought this had it not sounded like a friggin pillow was over my ears while I was listening to it.
- Neil. You the Man.
By KyleE17
Loving it. People say so much about Neil and the last few years...but he is putting out the goods. Rock on Neil.
- Bad tune
By Tom Schuler100
I've loved Neil Young since the 70's, however for all the great music he has created his fans know the garbage he has produced over the years as well. I'm also a great fan of Dave Groehl. I thought this collaboration would be moving, however instead it smells of Neil's garbage. I only waited $1.29 on it. Dave wasted much more. Neil are you listening to your music???