- The best
By Catmurray0327
My favorites❤️
- Love!!!
By Waste!!!!!!!!
I love this song. No it's def not rap but its more into the dancehall music.
- Genre
By MzRima
I love your album and I can tell ur versatile.You might want a better Genre than Rap/Hip Hop.You have a reggae vibes that transcends every other genre so u might wanna fix that.Aside from thatKeep up the good work😄
- Nice work Ricky!
By Pauly PP
I'm loving this music! I just wish there was more songs. My name is Ricky Blaze
- The Beat is the beat
By heyjacleu
If you're going to knock the guy at least get it right. Hold Yuh is way old school and has been remixed many times before Wale. Check your facts. Now this album is okay. You and I and Feel Free are both catchy.
- The Beat??
By BIG-Z08
The beat to You and I is from the "Hold Yuh" freestyle by Wale.... but its ight
- Crap
By Music55man55
This is garbage....
- Crapppppppppppp
By Thecoolman34
This isn't rap
- Awsome!!
By Tyler hater
awsome albym screw you guys that dont like it(:
- Not Rap...
By ftskk
I LOVE his voice and his songs are SO catchy and sweet, but I wouldn't call this either hip hop or rap... This needs to be called pop like it is. That said, this kid has serious talent and I hope he goes far as a pop star (: