Super Metroid (Brinstar) - Single - VG Cover Junkies

Super Metroid (Brinstar) - Single

VG Cover Junkies

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Release Date: 2011-05-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2011 VG Group


Title Artist Time
Super Metroid (Brinstsar) 3:30 USD 0.99
Super Metroid (Brinstar) - Single - VG Cover Junkies
Cover Album Super Metroid (Brinstar) - Single - VG Cover Junkies


  • Sounds like the real thing!...
    By supamusu
    ...Because it most likely is. Even if they bought it, A Now-Active San Diegan, it would still be illegal for them to put it up here to make money off of it. They didn't make it, yet they're claiming they did by changing the info on the file. Illegal.
  • Nice!
    By Big Red and the Blues
    Sounds like they just bought the soundtrack off Nintendo, (which they probably did), perfect copy, my tv doesn't have a headphone port, (doubt any do), so when i want to listen to the music when i'm told to mute the tv, i just turn on my iphone, and bingo, got it!