- Disappointed
By Betty S
Greatly disappointed. It was expecting to hear the voice of Kid Rock. A waste of money.
- born free
By keemosabee
Can't believe you guys get away with selling imitation/ bootleg style crap. We would get arrested for marketing under false pretenses
- No sell out
By T Rico
Hey Kid Rock, I respect your not a sellout. Thats one of the things that makes you great! These remakes are crap, they dont have that sound and soul I am looking for. I will go buy and have bought all your albums. Stay true. I know everyone else is not impressed.....Dont be a tightass respect the artist and go buy the albums!
- born free
By pilot716
Great song, wrong singer, this is a Kid rock rip off!!!
- Kid Rock is such a waste
By sndgy
I can't believe Kid Rock doesn't allow his songs to be downloaded on Itunes. He's missing a huge market. Stop living in the past, this is the future I hope he goes bankrupt with this feeling of people not being able to enjoy his whole record. Hey then why only let people download the album but don't try to make us deal with these awful imitations of his songs.
- Born Free: Tribute to the Heartland
By CindyRZel
DO NOT BUY THIS IMITATION. This is crap. What's up with this?
- Rip off
By Deadman1k
Why use kid rocks name if it's not really him? Such a rip off... I want the real thing!
- stupid immitators!!!!
By steelerfan144
KID ROCK not this wanna be
- This is terrible
By rikkirocketeer
This stinks ! This guy couldn't carry a note with a bucket.
Itunes yet duping more people for their money
- This is not Kid Rock
By Connie Garrett
I want my MONEY back