MP3 1. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Ah! Finalemente
MP3 2. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: E sempre lava
MP3 3. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Dammi colori, Recondit
MP3 4. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Gente Là dentro
MP3 5. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Mario! Mario!
MP3 6. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Non la sospiri
MP3 7. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Ah, quegli occhi
MP3 8. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: È buona la mia Tosca
MP3 9. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Sommo giubilo, Eccelen
MP3 10. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Un tal baccano in chie
MP3 11. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Or tutto è chiaro: To
MP3 12. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Ed io venivo a lui
MP3 13. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - I. Act: Tre sbirri, una carroz
MP3 14. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Tosca è un buon falc
MP3 15. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Ha più forte sapore
MP3 16. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: O galantuomo
MP3 17. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Meno male!
MP3 18. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Ov'è Angelotti
MP3 19. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Ed or fra noi parliam
MP3 20. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Sciarrone, che dice i
MP3 21. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Orsù, Tosca, parlate
MP3 22. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Nel pozzo... nel giar
MP3 23. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Nel pozzo del giardin
MP3 24. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Salvatelo!
MP3 25. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Se la giurata fede
MP3 26. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Vissi d'arte
MP3 27. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: Ecco, vedi
MP3 28. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - II. Act: E qual via scegliete
MP3 29. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Io de' sospiri
MP3 30. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Mario Cavaradossi?
MP3 31. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: E lucevan le stelle
MP3 32. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Ah! Franchigia a Flo
MP3 33. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: O dolci mani
MP3 34. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Senti l'ora è vicin
MP3 35. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: E non giungono
MP3 36. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Come è lunga
MP3 37. Eva Marton, José Carreras, Juan Pons, István Gáti, Italo Tajo, Ferenc Gerdesits, József Németh, József Gregor, Benedek Héja, Michael Tilson Thomas, Hungarian State Orchestra & Hungarian Radio and Television Choir - III. Act: Presto! Su! Mario!