I know Belle & Sebastian haven't written an album in a while, but ...
By toohsieh
... hot damn, Math and Physics Club! This is the first album I've heard of theirs, and I'm definitely getting that Belle & Sebastian vibe, though that's definitely not a bad thing. And of course, it's not like M&PC (not the best band name, but whatever) is totally imitative of B&S' style, though I guess that's what iTunes preview is for.
In any case, what I'm trying to say is that M&PC is pretty sweet, and it does wonders as either happy-go-lucky everyday music or music that you take a break to after you get off of work, possibly with a nice book--though the lyrics might be catchy enough for you to not pay attention to your reading. M&PC's pretty chill and definitely rolls with the flow. Check 'em out.