If you can't see G.A.D.S. live, this is the next best thing
By @scottyVsquared
Recklessly driving forward in a controlled train collision, American Radio Two defies the pigeonhole and enjoys your confusion while dancing to nihilistic love songs between your ears. A smart and seasoned musician, Killian allows his multi-talented "backup band" to step to the fore and rip your face off in breathless exuberance on many of the tracks, in particular What I Hate About Punks, a hot little number that'll make you melt and cry because these babes see right through you, and aren't interested. A complex wall of sound, The Gun & Doll Show weaves massed layers of guitars and vocals to create a living thing, an organic creature of beatific noise that smiles a black tooth grin and juts out a hip in your direction, daring you to ignore the invitation.
I once remarked that if The Tubes had taken Garbage behind a middle-school and gotten it pregnant, the lyrical spawn would be the Gun & Doll Show.. And if that doesn't mean anything to you, so what? Each of us has an interpretation :-)