King James Version - Harvey Danger

King James Version

Harvey Danger

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2000-09-12
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2000 Sire Records Company


Title Artist Time
Meetings With Remarkable Men ( 2:53 USD 1.29
Humility On Parade 4:30 USD 1.29
Why I'm Lonely 3:36 USD 1.29
Sad Sweetheart of the Rodeo 3:29 USD 1.29
You Miss the Point Completely 4:12 USD 1.29
Authenticity 2:33 USD 1.29
(Theme From) Carjack Fever 3:40 USD 1.29
Pike St. / Park Slope 4:42 USD 1.29
(This Is) The Thrilling Conver 2:54 USD 1.29
Loyalty Bldg. 6:07 USD 1.29
Underground 4:39 USD 1.29
The Same as Being In Love 3:29 USD 1.29
King James Version - Harvey Danger
Cover Album King James Version - Harvey Danger


  • Farewell
    By jesus16x
    Farewell Harvey Danger, last tour was awesome in Chicago!!!! pike st/park slope is my favorite song
  • underrated band
    By pretentiousname
    good stuff... and megs, flagpole sitta isn't "supposed to be" on this album. it's on "Where have all the merrymakers gone," which isn't even available on itunes.
  • The Kings Throne
    By nick at night
    I'll start by pointing out, Flagpole Sitta is not on this album. Another person who contributed his two cents, seems to think it is and also goes on to state it's on the Scooby Doo Soundtrack? Not sure about that, but I do know Flagpole Sitta IS on Where Have All the Merrymakers gone?. And there are better tracks on that album too, Private Helicopter, Carlotta Valdez and even with it's somber lyrics, Jack the Lion. Really killer album, especially for a group of UW students. Anyway, back to the album in hand, King James Version. So punk, so indie, so alternative, so Seattle. It's so good. Harvey Danger's best album by far. It's sad that record company disaster prevented this album from significant release. I even went as far to find a hard press copy on eBay, after I purchased the album here on iTunes. If you enjoy any type of Indie or Alternative, pick up a copy and enjoy.