Estradasphere's John Wooley + Secret Chiefs 3 = GENIUS
By Wicket02
You can hear the jazzy, lounge music of Estradasphere, as well as the Middle-Eastern tone's of Secret Chiefs 3 put together in an elaborate showcase of musicianship and awesomeness. You'll find your slow, sonic soundscapes of Chiefs in Rendezvous, The Dynasty and Fall Creek, while the metal of Estradasphere shows in Nembutals, Ignis Fatuus and Catafalque, while the 3rd factor, Estradasphere's goofy jazz-like sound shines in Holy Roller, Terra Firma, and, my personal favorite, The Bourbon Theater. If you're a fan of one, both, or none of these bands, this is a great disc to expand your musical palette even more.