- fake
By hoodstar18
this is no rock, this is electronic!!
- disgrace.. disapointment
By soccerfan22
ok first off i have no idea why they would take credit for making guitar hero popular.. THEY DIDNT AND NEVER WILL/WOULD HAVE.. i knew about it from the first one and played it since the first one came out.. this is like the sterotypical death metal. all of it sounds the freaking same. get a new sound. try somethging new.. this is just getting old. youll get essentially the same music if you spend .99 and buy one song.. not worth your money.. take your money elsewhere
- Heroes of Our Time?
By oh no another fcuken user!
I just don't get what anyone sees in this band. Could one ask for more pretentiousness? The title of this song alone eliminates the small amount of respect I have for them. Apparently they heard "Eye of the Tiger" once and took everything about it to heart.
- Power metal 2 da max, In ballad form!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Music Phanactical
This is great and Amazing. And while I must admit they do occasionaly get repetitive, may i remind u most bands cannot play any instrument as fast and perfect as these guys.
- More of the same
Dragonforce really only does one thing, and they do it well: blasting out five-minute-plus metal songs with relentless shredding, guitar solos, epic vocals, and machine-gun drums. That being said, "Heroes Of Out Time" doesn't really do anything that Dragonforce hasn't done before. If you want a song to give you a charge, buy it. If you want something different from "Through The Fire And Flames," you'd best look elsewhere.
- amazing
i've been listening to dragonforce for a long time now, and i never get tired of their songs. I mean just listening to them and thinking, wow, how can anyone humanly play like that? to the skeptics who say they all sound the same, you are just talking about they all have a lengthy gituar solo in them. they do. they arent similar solos though. They have their own unique tone to them. keep writing new songs dragonforce!
- What do you expect?
By votecake
Yes, there songs do all sound the same. What do you expect, they're a Metal Band. Herman Li Ranks #4 on my list of all-time greatest guitarists. This is a great song, and if you can't play better than them, then you should think twice before you dis them. I am not a huge fan, but I think that when you consider that they are the highest-grossing British Metal band ever, you've got to owe them some respect.
- Awesome, but still not the best on the album
By The Solemn One
They should have released The Warrior Inside or The Last Journey Home as the lead single
But this is D-force, so it is still awesome
P.S.: When will these guys win the grammy for "The best completely owning guitar of all time"
- Incredible
By Michael Dean
The song has kinda pointless lyrics, but that really seems to bring out the true brilliance of the music.
By SeadawgVB
Dude/Dudet they use the same chords but they words and placing of the chords is different. THEY DO NOT SOUND THE SAME (i have them all on my i-pod exept for the radio edit of this.