In the End of Human Existence - Abominable Putridity

In the End of Human Existence

Abominable Putridity

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2007-01-01
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2007 Lacerated Enemy


Title Artist Time
Intracranial Parasite 3:10 USD 0.99
Entrails Full of Vermin 2:45 USD 0.99
Blindfold Surgery 2:51 USD 0.99
Skin Removal 2:50 USD 0.99
Dissected from Within 0:55 USD 0.99
Throat Fisting Abortion 3:41 USD 0.99
Intestinal Putrefaction 2:33 USD 0.99
Victims Stuffed With Nails 2:45 USD 0.99
Sphacelated Nerves 2:51 USD 0.99
In the End of Human Existence 1:40 USD 0.99
In the End of Human Existence - Abominable Putridity
Cover Album In the End of Human Existence - Abominable Putridity


  • Hey, that's pretty good
    By Rio5050
    Not terrible (but their next album is better). They sound similar to Ingested for some reason (try them out if you're interested).
  • Slam Legends
    By Alkema99
    Legendary album helped the slam movement gotta love it
  • ???
    By ZachIngram04
    I can't tell, is he burping or farting into the mic?
  • Absolutely horrible
    By Skatingandgaming
    Repetitive riffs and drum beats, along with incomprehensible vocals that sounds like some kind of animal equal this muddled mess.
  • Brutal but repetitive
    By T3hplaguez
    Although crushing and features a few solid tracks this release gets someone tiring past the halfway mark due to relying mostly on slams to bring out brutality. If you want to get into this band I highly recomend their new album for its a major step in the right direction and possibly a brutal death masterpiece!
  • Wow
    By Missajo
    It all sounds the same. Everything about this is a fail.
  • Okay At Best
    By LegionOfTheDamned
    When a friend told me about Abominable Putridity I sort of labeled them as the second coming of Mortician "that's an insult in my opinion" this album has slightly grown on me but it's two things that hold me back 1) the gutteral bullfrog vocals 2) the fact that the album is so repetitive. I personally prefer and recommend their new album The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin, it's 100% better than this plus Matti Way's vocals on the new album are superb...
  • what up wit dat
    By jonc23
    so where is their new album at itunes????
  • ???
    By xxxDeadBoltxxx
  • Generic
    By Kwadwo O.
    The songs blend together, and really sound like any dime a dozen, generic slam/brutal death band with breakdowns. No variety, no interesting song structuring, no intelligent use of musical elements outside a very narrow genre, no real atmosphere. This is why I avoid the vast majority of brutal death bands (same applies to deathcore). Why pay for more of the same? So I docked 2 stars b/c this was unoriginal, and another 2 stars b/c of their musical style. If you enjoy brutal death with variety, this is for you. If you want brutal death that sounds unique, check out Separatist, Defeated Sanity, Lykathea Aflame, Cyclotron, or Nile (on "Annihilation of the Wicked").