Water Curses - EP - Animal Collective

Water Curses - EP

Animal Collective

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2008-05-06
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2008 Domino Recording Co. LTD


Title Artist Time
Water Curses 3:25 USD 0.99
Street Flash 6:48 USD 0.99
Cobwebs 4:14 USD 0.99
Seal Eyeing 3:38 USD 0.99
Water Curses - EP - Animal Collective
Cover Album Water Curses - EP - Animal Collective


  • a review
    By hauntedjpeg
    i love this.
  • really great
    By omario650
    WOW. this is the best EP AC has ever made, and worth every penny.
  • 4 bucks and you aren
    By imaginaryhero
    I couldn't even tell you how many times I've listened to 'Cobwebs' on repeat. I just know it's a lot. It's one of my favorites from them, and I've listened to every one of their albums thoroughly. I love to listen to Water Curses followed by Cobwebs in the morning, and then Street Flash followed by Seal Eyeing before bed. SE is the best song to end the day with.
  • Water
    By Kayalexander
    Very good album. It's an experience within yourself.
  • Water Curses!
    By Jakaka
    I must confess, I've only bought Water Curses so far, but I swear it is their best yet! Or at least in my opinion. The song is fast paced, edgy, sparkly,.. an all around unbelievably complete sound. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
    By commander inferno
    Once again this is effin' sweet.
  • A Must Have EP
    By NoSurprises
    This is one of my most favorite EP releases to have come out in a long, long time. And that's concerning all bands and musicians. Not just AC. The EP starts with "Water Curses." This song is the definition of fun music. This shows off all great sides of Animal Collective. The weird noises... the landscape of sound... the unnatural yet somehow still catchy melody lines... the driving percussion... This is a defining song for AC. "Street Flash" is close to one of my most favorite Animal Collective songs. It's beautiful and dark with a haunting melody line from Avey Tare that always has me singing along... often making up some lyrics here and there. It has one of the most strange-yet-satisfying build-ups I've ever heard in a song. About halfway into the song the guitar starts echoing more... there's more noise... you're not sure what Avey is singing... and then he just screams "IS IT STILL ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!" Suddenly you're back to the start before it literally bubbles and dissipates away into... "Cobwebs." I'm still not sure what to make of this song. Don't let the weird vocals and sound effects-as-percussion drive you away, though. I let that happen and didn't hear what the song was all about until finally I let it play through... Wow. I have fallen in love with the melody line about halfway through the song. It gets better though. After the melody line "I'm not goin underground" comes the best part of the song. Everything suddenly turns into a Panda Bear song fused with the style of Animal Collective. Brilliant. I love it. "Seal Eyeing" you will love or hate. Think "Bees" (from Feels) but with a tinkling piano. No percussion here. Just an eerie melody and piano. I'm not a big fan of it. All in all, this is one of the best EPs available on iTunes. Buy this EP if you are at all interested in Animal Collective. Since it's all in Plus format, no worries about quality or sharing. I would also recommend Feels, Sung Tongs, Here Comes The Indian, and "Tikwid" and "People" from the People EP.
  • very good
    By spotplus
  • So Much Creativity!
    By Sir Nonsense
    Water Curses is one of the coolest songs I've heard in a while. There's just so much compacted into a three-and-a-half minute masterpiece. Definitely try this song.
  • Good good!
    By Matt1Matt
    More great music from AC. These guys never cease to amaze. The title track, "Water Curses" is one of the best songs AC has ever made.