- JazzLatt
By JazzLatt
Released April 18, 2008, sound like today, 2010; A must buy.
- Mr Payton
By chefross
Mr. Payton is the man.
- Honest and Real
By JazzBrew
In this recording you will find jazz in it's purest form. If you are looking for cliches and paint by numbers solos you won't find it here. Nick and his crew play some of most honest and real material that I've heard in a long time. HIGHLY recommended.
- Not one of the more enjoyable efforts.
By Dr. A.
This record takes too much effort to listen to. Listener effort may not always be a bad thing, but in this case, I keep finding myself asking "ok, when is the fun part coming?" I would start with Payton's Place and look around from there. This record is just too boring for anyone from New Orleans to produce.
- Bravo
By Nolady
Now one of my jazz favorites. Nicholas Payton has created standards with The Backwards Step and Fleur de Lis.
- All around beauty
By solotrumpet
This album is another example of Nick's beautiful musicianship and writing. I recomend everyone check this album out as well as his others. He is pure and honest. We need more like him.
- Delicious
By chanteluv
Mr. Payton has woven a web of tastey tunes and thoughtful melodies. His music makes me travel while enjoying the comforts of a talent he's made home. Smooth, easy going, but enough to stir the spirit. Wonderful set...keep it coming. I'm one fan that will always have an appetite!!!