Cousteau - Cousteau



  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2000-10-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2001 Palm


Title Artist Time
Your Day Will Come 3:25 USD 0.99
Last Good Day of the Year 5:00 USD 0.99
Mesmer 5:52 USD 0.99
Jump in the Water 2:54 USD 0.99
How Will I Know 4:23 USD 0.99
(Shades Of) Ruinous Blue 5:51 USD 0.99
You My Lunar Queen 3:31 USD 0.99
She Don't Hear Your Prayer 4:25 USD 0.99
One Good Reason 5:39 USD 0.99
Wish You Were Her 3:50 USD 0.99
Of This Goodbye 5:40 USD 0.99
Cousteau - Cousteau
Cover Album Cousteau - Cousteau


  • Strange Review
    By Stuporman
    Just heard this album for the first time this weekend and I'm absolutely blown away. Of the thousands of songs I buy annually, how did I miss this??? But the "official" review on this page is more off base than any I've seen before. Maybe a decade after release warrants a thoughtful reconsideration . . .
  • damn
    By whateverstill
    What am I about to say also goes for their other two albums Sirena and Nova Scotia (Moreau). As a man in my early forties, growing up in the seventies and eighties I felt music sort of died for me once the ninties rolled around. I thought frankly you can keep your Britney Spears' and Justin Timberlake's. Then about nine years ago I stumbled on it by accident at a Barnes and Noble. I hadn't enjoyed music from a new band in years and usually just wait for a new Depeche or U2 album because I can't stand the boy-girl band vocal diarreah. Anyway, their work is solid -in spite of some minor goofs. And fellas: this album and a bottle of vino will close the deal.
  • Debut?
    By enophiliac
    Strange, I have a 1999 album with all of the same tracks entitled "Mesmer," with an entirely different cover too. I believe I bought it in the UK. So how is this a debut? Where'd that new cover come from. I read a review of it in a British mag and made sure I bought it in Heathrow before I came back to the US. I thought it was the most unbelievably sublime album I'd heard in ages. Perhaps a favorite of that year. The lukewarm review is misleading; this is no derivative Scott-Walker-wanna-be stuff. It's amazing.
  • recalls last good day of 2001
    By hopewins
    Heard the lp's now-famous hit--last good day -- on NPR one weekend not too long after 9-11 and was struck by its evocative encapsulation of that crisp, fall, lost-forever morning. Saw a PORTION of the band a few months later at Joe's pub (one member was not allowed to enter the U.S. onaccounta having been born in some theyhatefreedom terrorist country--thanks rummy!), and enjoyed the evening more than I can say. Their '60s-lounge-act sound combined with that particular context equaled bittersweet...nostolgia? High minor chord quotient, fyi, and Moor's voice is divine both live and vinyl/mp3.
  • Fab!
    By solitaire7
    I happened upon this album years ago while killing some time in a funky little record store. It will forever remain in my top ten! It's smooth and sexy!
  • Cousteau Makes it Happen
    By Calap
    This Irish lounge band has its stuff together. At first listen it may seem a touch corny, but just under the vodka martini surface lies one heck of a spy rock recording. Super tight, yet relaxed music that takes the embarrassment out of leisure suits and killer lyrics that, although they are a touch chauvinistic, are insightful with being obtuse. Its James Bond and James Joyce all at once. Liam McKahey's lead vocals alone are worth the price of admission.