- Fantastic
By Ninjassassins
Amazing work. I love Danny's more serious work and this is some of the best music I've heard in a long time. Hopefully they follow Firefly up with some more music. Would love a second album from the two of them. Great work.
- Love it
By Chekov is better than everyone
Afterglow is so calming to listen to and the rest of the album holds up to the same caliber. Danny and Peter (I think that's his name) did an amazing job. Danny's voice melds with the music really well.
- Hidden Gem
By ThePandaBear25
Seriously I wish I would have learned about this band before just now. It is absolutely amazing and I wish that more people would listen to it.
- A true Gem to find
By Sparklez_
Its a great twist to the same vocals that you might be use to listening but with out the over the top comedy that is Ninja Sex Party. The music is different, more complex than you would think and obvious that whoever wrote and recorded the music put alot of hard work and mixing. Instruments can be heard over others in such a rich and unique way! Its a definite plus to listen to from start to finish!
- A electric trip into wonder
By ConAirJr
To be up front i found out about this through game grumps youtube channel but regardless this is a fantasic album. I rarely buy full albums but each song is a step into the minds of danny the singer and his pal they flow well regardless of the order you listen and have amazing delivery. If your not really into the album then afterglow and firefly will peek most interests but it doesnt due enuff justice to this great album. I give it a 5 out of 5 but acknowledge that theres room for improvement and cant wait for it.
- Amazing
By GeorgiePudStar
This whole album is full of amazing songs. I was gob smacked when I found at Skyhill wrote "Hands On The Water" since I'd only ever listened to the remix, not the original. Overall, this album is great! Can't wait to hear more from you guys!
- /)o3o(\
By Agecko
I know this isn't the Danny we know today, but I'll be damned if this isn't a beautiful album
- Really good
By trashby
I love this a lot and the band isn’t together, so where does the money go when I buy it? just wondering, I don’t really care either way, but what goes on there?
- been looking
By Gman
I’ve been looking to see if danny did some more serious songs, and this blew me away, both danny and peter are phenomenal
- Haunting and amazing.
By Douglas Phillips
I've been a huge fan of NSP, and I admit plainly I didn't know about Skyhill until I read a comment about Danny's previous band. I listened for maybe thirty seconds before buying this album and I don't regret a thing. These are such chill and mellow songs, amazing for this crappy rainy weather we're having in florida. Now? I'm listening to it every morning on my drive to work.
Dan has an amazing talent, and the band just has a great sound. Original? No. Memorable? You bet. Easily now on my playlist for just easy music around the house. Pretty much convinced anything Dan is involved in turns to gold, and I'm incredibly happy for him that he can focus more on his music and the Grumps.
Keep at it man, I'll see you on the top 100 someday soon I imagine.