- <3
By MusicFreak093
I absolutely love these guys! I found out of em on purevolume ive been listening ever since. Elegy and Nocturne are my faves :)
- Love
By mhas69
i love every song. it is a first.
- click yes if you agree!
By DevonRZG
like it? love it? want it? need it? if so, click yes if you agree! I love this band and this album.
- :D
By samicirino
i lovee love loveee the hoooodies.! :D
- An incredible album
By fangsupxsanti
this album is absolutely amazing. it makes me want to smile everytime i hear it.
the boys are incredibly talented and they have their hearts in the right place. not to mention they're extremely nice and cute too :)
- flawless
By Disappearing Act
Deffinatley the best album I have ever heard. I met these guys last night at one of thier shows and they're so nice and attractive if i might add. Live, oh jeez, they're amazing live. Buy this cd and go to one of thier shows if possible. You won't be sorry.
- wow!
By bleeker12
simply amazing
- amazingly good.
By KiiMb0x32
enough said.
this cd will easily become one of your favorites enough though it only has eight songs
- they're going to be huge
By Anonymous4545
It's always a good thing when you can call something "fun". It's better when you can call it "super-fun". The Hoodies are super-fun. For goodness sakes, they're called "The Hoodies"...how can that not be fun and exciting and fresh? Although their sound has certainly been heard before, they know what they're doing, and they sure do it well. "Old Friends" is the perfect start to this record and I wish it was longer so I can enjoy its perfection just a few minutes longer. The rest of it is what this record should be...they don't hide anything and the music isn't pretentious. It's raw, yet polished, which is awfully difficult to accomplish. Overall, this record's a huge success.
Wait a few months. These guys are going to blow up.
- On The Rise
By mitchvandenberghe
I have known The Hoodies for five or six years now, I used to go to their shows when I was in middle school. Frankly, they used to be awful, Dan's voice sucked, their e.p. with baltimore, crutch, a new hope, etc had horrible timing, but then, they really started to get serious. By the "Endings" E.P. they showed major improvement, both live and in studio, then with the release of "A Place On Solid Ground," they are now just at a whole different level. I can't what to hear what they just recorded in L.A.