- Below average for Neil
By #1 Zappa Fan
This is a pretty decent effort from Neil and Crazy Horse. The problem I have with it is none of the songs really stand out. They blend into one another with no real highs (or lows). I saw them perform it live in concert before I actually bought the album and I was much more impressed with the live performance. As a record, it's mediocre Neil. Playing it on shuffle, I'd be hard-pressed to tell you the name of any particular song within the first 30 seconds or so. And that's unusual for the majority of Neil's discography.
- Hey Mank 63
By elbobareno
Don't worry, the people will see thru Romney/Ryan and all will be back on track. Now if we can just start over with the uber-cons in congress.
- What a communist,!!!!!!!!
By Mank 63
Neil young should return to canada where they have their own problems with the government, i don't know why all these canadian commies set up camp in the U.S.A. where they complain about their rights and the morals of our government, it seems our neighbors from the north, as well as the south, could better serve their own ideology by trying to make things better where they came from in the first place, if you want to better the world, start in your own backyard first, there is nothing cool about neil young,!!!!!!!!!!!
- Flawless
By Ninja Ding
The only thing better than this album was the live show he put on. Enjoy
- Multi-Generational Genius
By Miss Circus Freak
For me, this album, released in 2003, was a breath of fresh air in a post-9/11 world. And I think the iTunes Reviewer misses the point. A lot of people were walking around with low-level depression, asking; what's happening to this world, what matters, how should I spend my days. Well, Neil saw that, saw some other things and gave some answers. Answers for the young and old alike.
Bad things happen. But you keep on living, hoping and trying for a better world. Sun Green channeled her energy and vision into a message she believed in. She didn't give up. "Grandpa died like a hero" His and Grandma's message? "Share your lovin' and you'll live so long"
This album "makes you think about livin', and what life has to tell..." I see this as a work encouraging a life of purpose and reflection. Thanks Neil.
- addictive
By mrokar
this album is addictive...especialy the song"carmichael"
- It's the dichotomy of Neil
By ChiTom
I, having been a long-time fan of Neil Young, but not always into everything he has put out over the years, was given "Prairie Wind' "Harvest Moon", and "Greendale" to record and I listened to "Greendale" first since I already was familiar with "Harvest Moon" and knew somewhat about "Prairie Moon". I read the cd cover booklet and I dimly remembered seeing the (acoustic?) show on pbs a few years back. I liked the story. I listenened to the cd and was blown away(it took a few listens to sink into the lyrics; Neil doesn't exactly sing like a songbird this time around). First, Crazy Horse has grown and fattened up their sound considerably (much like the Cream re-union live cd) and I thought that Neil's writing has finally come together in that he has taken the thoughtful, country acoustic side and brought it together for the grundge, crazy horse side. "Carmichael", in particular, shines in that it doesn't have any metaphor, etc. it just puts you in an everyday, tragic human story and has you be the people for a moment, a sad, bittersweet moment. It works for me better than "Needle", "Helpless", and several others. Just when I think Neil can't outwrite himself he does. And he plays "Old Black", his black Les Paul, with the band that has been with him through the years, and they jam reeeeallll goooood. Well, some people were disappointed. But I was not. I see the dichotomy of Neil coming ever closer together.
- Becoming my favorite
By ajmfxrs
This collection is rapidly becoming my favorite Neil Young album. For reference, "Ragged Glory" held that position for me. I am not a "Sugar Mountain" type. For this collection, he seems to have taken every rock rhythm cliche and created individual songs that "riff" off of the familiar beats. The effect, at least for me, is brilliant. I also like the acoustic versions included with the CD (not on Itunes)- cause I can play them on my guitar! 2 caveats- some folks don't like the story line- it doesn't bother me, but the lyrics cannot stand on their own. I am not in love with the last song "Be the Rain", but I was not in love with the final song on Ragged Glory either.Check Greendale out- if you don't go wild over it, it will still be up there for Young?crazy Horse fans. BTW- someone downloaded a Greendale concert on UTube- so you can see the stage performances of the songs!
- Taken as a whole, excellent work
By Iplaya Gibson
Greendale is an ambitious work. I took my wife to see this concert in San Diego. I am pretty open-minded about Neil's work, since I know that he experiments quite a bit. I enjoyed the concert tremendously, where the music was "acted out" as the band played. My wife was disappointed that his more "classic" works were in short supply, and only at the end of the concert after the Greendale story. Such is the nature of Neil Young's fans.
Taken as a whole, the story and music on this album work nicely. Crazy Horse is terrific throughout. It is hard to recommend individual tracks, since lyrically most are less effective as stand-alone pieces. Musically, I am particularly fond of the blues-tempo of "Double E", and the rattle-twang of the tuned down guitar of "Bandit". The eco-friendly character Sun Green is the common lyrical denominator, and ties the story together. That said, I don't think the reviewer was accurate in the description of the story or the message that Neil attempts to convey.
For those inclined to enjoy the "classic" songs from Neil Young, the highly conceptual approach to this set may be unsettling. Even so, the album is well worth a listen, and may yet itself develop into a latent classic.
The album
- Goosebumps
By Rootman
Neil and Crazy Horse still do it to me. Check your pulse if they don't do it to you!