- A Masterpiece!
By Latin Music Media
Wow. MC Serch does it again! This is an absolute classic Hip Hop album. I could go on for days about this one but all I can say is DAMN!!
In a time where Joell Ortiz and Rakim can't get it together, MC Serch reminds us of the true Emcee. Only Hip Hop fans will understand this one and trust me when I tell you, this is a masterpiece!
- Here it Comes
By CashExchange 2
Why is that song not on the list of his great hits?
- Just plain DOPE!
By The Magnificent '73
Thanks Serch for letting me know the existance of this album here on Itunes. I luv it! My favorite track is "Where My Head Is At"- the lyrics, the beat, the scratches-classic Hip Hop sound. I selected 5 stars for this album.
- back to the grill
By Clammaster
vote yes if you think itunes should put "back to the grill again" by MC Serch. greatest song ever.
- Man!! Are you kidding me? How did I miss this!!
By Fonkee1
I barely found out about this album through Serch's Myspace. This album blows away anything today and within the last 10+ Years. I just wish 3rd Bass had a bigger discography.
- Pop Goes, Pop Goes The Business ...
By ReviewPost
Serch takes us back to the early nineties making references to Sharon Stone( Basic Instinct) and Sinead O'connor shooting her career in the foot. Mc Serch mentions again Vanilla Ice in this album, and even mentions the possibility of "ghost writing". Other notable 90s references includes Monica Seles( Tennis Champion) getting stabbed in the back, Buffalo Bills loosing the Super Bowl( More than once) Pearl Jam (still around making great records) and Alice in Chains(Lead singer overdosed on H) . Any one who was a 3rd Bass fan and was left wanting more this compilation of early 90s hip hop, 3rd Bass ALA Mc Serch will find this album adequate until maybe someday a new 3rd Bass album surfaces. Until then, I bought this album and hope that Columbia puts Mc Serch's "Return of the Product" on iTunes.
- looking for
By mikeperkins
where is the cut called here it comes?? that was the jam!!
- Blah!
By manchild35
Wow, this is terrible. If you like this song, listen to the original version and see if you still like it.
- Cat in the Cradle
By NoCripa
cats in the cradle. When i first listened to that song. I had to replay that song. then again and again. Pete Nice and MC Serch told a story. About the life of an MC. and how fast things happen. It touched me. and Pete Nice and MC Serch really did a good job. I got all of their cd's to Pete Nice and MC Serch's Solo Projects, Dust to Dust and Return Of the Product. And all of 3rd Bass's albums are clasic's. The are really underrated and are probably deserve alot more credit. I hope they make some new songs cause they got fans.
- Return of the Product!! Thanks Serch...
By Know One
In a time when most Hip Hop is lacking creativity, as well as substance, MC Serch drops an album recorded 12 years ago and it's better than 99% of what you hear on the Radio and TV today! This not only tells you alot about the state of Hip-Hop these days, but also gives testament to just how ahead of his time Serch was. A fan since "The Gas Face", I can only hope there is more to come from Serch...Cats like him are needed these days.