Too Hot to Handel - The Gospel Messiah (Arranged by Bob Christianson) - Colorado Symphony, Lillias White, Marin Alsop, The Majestic Praise Choir, Thomas Young & Vivian Cherry

Too Hot to Handel - The Gospel Messiah (Arranged by Bob Christianson)

Colorado Symphony, Lillias White, Marin Alsop, The Majestic Praise Choir, Thomas Young & Vivian Cherry

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2005-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 28

  • ℗ 2005 Too Hot To Handel LLC


Too Hot to Handel - The Gospel Messiah (Arranged by Bob Christianson) - Colorado Symphony, Lillias White, Marin Alsop, The Majestic Praise Choir, Thomas Young & Vivian Cherry
Cover Album Too Hot to Handel - The Gospel Messiah (Arranged by Bob Christianson) - Colorado Symphony, Lillias White, Marin Alsop, The Majestic Praise Choir, Thomas Young & Vivian Cherry


  • c'mon your music snobbery is showing!!
    By mjpraiser
    Having done Too Hot To Handel with the CSO and Maj. Praise, I can tell you, we played to packed houses at each performance. I am a classical music fan, have been a fan of Ms. Alsop's for years, and have sung the original Messiah on and off since I was a little girl and it was a delight to sing something so fresh and different. I think if you allow yourself to open up, you will enjoy this take on the classic!!
  • Inspired; Just The Right Temperature
    By JGLowe
    While this is not performed with classic instrumentation, it is compelling in its own right. Thankfully this is a creative, inspired and at times moving interpretation of a classic. Beautiful orchestration, moving Gospel, inspired Blues, and contemplative Jazz reimagine Handel. Much like updating the King James Bible. We are fortunate indeed to have the King James and The Message. Worth every penny unless the King James is your only inspired version, then you will find you will find this too hot to handle.
  • You Can't Be Serious........
    By TrombonePlaya.
    I'm sorry, but there are some classical pieces that should never be tampered with because they are just so ageless and so perfect. The Messiah is one of these pieces. No matter what the arrangement is, you're never going to come within lightyears of even being close to touch the original..... which is amazing. It's not going to happen. It's not. It's the equivalent of trying to repaint the Mona Lisa to make it more popular. The Messiah is Baroque..... and it should most certainly stay Baroque. It's Handel's. It's a masterpiece. Let it be.
  • banality
    By erwin 73
    for those who love elevator music, this album is your thing. 'All the majesty of the original has been removed. Sounds like 1970's fluff for pop radio.Wear plarform shoes and leisure suits while listening for maximum effect..........
  • I absolutely LOVE this...
    By VictoriaJourneyZing
    It's a great antidote to all the cloying holiday songs...great beat and music and singing....loads of fun.
  • very uneven
    By SEYVoice
    as this was written to show Thomas Young's vocal ease from genre to genre it certainly does that. Most of it is open score and he improvises! Some movements are arranged well; some not so much; the choir is low grade at best. Instrumental soloists are mediocre. It's not a gospel Messiah but rather has suggestions of jazz, gospel, et al. Needs a better name to suggest a more inclusive take. Should have been recorded back when it was done in NYC with Morgan State Choir. Maybe they will redo it.
  • Real Drivel
    By kc guy81
    I love gospel music. I love baroque music. This is neither. At Christmastime (or Easter) I enjoy listening to the Messiah, but not this-it is, a best a party record (something you play for your friends and have a great laugh about.)
  • Maestro
    By vrichenstein
    I was moved by this interpretation and performance of the Messiah. Knowing the original, it's sweet to compare neuance, pace and style, I now own 4 recordings. But this is so much different, it's modern gospel and classic music- fusion. Gospel is so organic, it's like right off the farm fresh- still alive and exhuberant. And classical is like sitting down to a formal dinner, jacket and tie required. Who would have guessed that they would go together so well. I give Marin Alsop a lot of credit for taking this risk and for giving performers the freedom to improvise in a jazz interpretive kind of sense on occasion, that's the gospel. There are performances here that are stand alone inspiring - Good Tidings to Zion, Who May Abide, And He Shall Purify. This was no waste of money in my book, but truely moving, original and step in the evolution of music. Some years hence, I predict people will come to understand why they are calling Marin Alsop - Maestro, with a capital M.
  • RSR
    By rachmarc
    I saw this live last Christmas with my mother-in-law, and it's amazing! Check out the album, and if you are ever in Denver at the holidays the live performance is well worth the price of admission!
  • Finally!!
    By co2ct
    I've been wiating for this show's recording to be released for years. I worked at Boettcher Concert hall in Denver for several years before moving to Connecticut and eagerly anticipated this show's annual return. While the live performance is astounding and very moving, the recording is a welcome addition to my collection. Thanks Marin! Glad to see she's still returning to Denver to do this live. It's a real favorite.