MP3 1. Men Chorus - If You Want to Know Who We Are
MP3 2. Bonaventura Bottone & Men Chorus - A Wandering Minstrel I
MP3 3. Mark Richardson & Men Chorus - Our Great Mikado
MP3 4. Bonaventura Bottone, Mark Richardson & Richard Van Allan - Young Man Despair
MP3 5. Men Chorus - Behold the Lord High Execution
MP3 6. Eric Idle & Men Chorus - I've Got a Little List
MP3 7. Ladies Chorus - Comes a Train of Little Ladies
MP3 8. Jean Rigby, Lesley Garrett & Susan Bullock - Three Little Maids
MP3 9. Jean Rigby, Ladies Chorus, Lesley Garrett, Mark Richardson, Richard Van Allan & Susan Bullock - So Please You Sir
MP3 10. Bonaventura Bottone & Lesley Garrett - Were You Not to Ko-Ko Plighted
MP3 11. Bonaventura Bottone, Company, Felicity Palmer, Leslie Garrett & Richard Van Allen - The Threatened Cloud Has Passe
MP3 12. Jean Rigby & Ladies Chorus - Braid the Raven Hair
MP3 13. Lesley Garrett - The Sun Whose Rays
MP3 14. Bonaventura Bottone, Eric Idle & Lesley Garrett - Here's a How-De-Do
MP3 15. Company & Richard Angas - A More Humane Mikado
MP3 16. Bonaventura Bottone, Eric Idle, Lesley Garrett & Richard Van Allan - The Flowers That Bloom In the
MP3 17. Felicity Palmer - Alone, and Yet Alive
MP3 18. Eric Idle & Felicity Palmer - On a Tree By a River (Tit Will
MP3 19. Eric Idle & Felicity Palmer - There Is the Beauty In the Bel