MP3 1. Frigid Flame - Four Chambers (Future House)
MP3 2. 3D Mode - Wider (Future House)
MP3 3. Phobique - A Moment Go By (Future House)
MP3 4. Enn Zou - Rhythmic Contraction (Future H
MP3 5. Yale Nodes - To the Future (Future House)
MP3 6. Phobique - Reversal (Future House)
MP3 7. Code Riot - Amaali (Future House)
MP3 8. Yale Nodes - Rooguchi Clematis (EDM Future
MP3 9. Frigid Flame - The Promised Land (Future Hous
MP3 10. Ex LOR - Groovy Deep (Festival Future H
MP3 11. Socio-1 - Maayo (Modern Future House)
MP3 12. Socio-1 - Getting Puzzled (EDM Festival
MP3 13. Mad Wolf - Work It (Festival EDM Future H
MP3 14. Xon Xon - Happier Than Before (Festival
MP3 15. Mad Wolf - Perfect Match (EDM Festival Da
MP3 16. Ex LOR - Country Side (EDM Festival Fut
MP3 17. Xon Xon - Acoustic Waves (Modern Festiva
MP3 18. Mad Wolf - Milk Fish (Modern Festival Fut
MP3 19. Socio-1 - Friday Night (EDM Festival Fut
MP3 20. Mad Wolf - Blasting Orange (Modern Festiv