MP3 1. Tera Mangala - Lived a Man Whose Name We All
MP3 2. Tera Mangala - He was called Buddha, The Enli
MP3 3. Tera Mangala - And His Teachings Still Echo T
MP3 4. Tera Mangala - Buddha Was Born a Prince, So T
MP3 5. Tera Mangala - But He Chose a Different Path,
MP3 6. Tera Mangala - He Left His Palace and His Roy
MP3 7. Tera Mangala - To Seek the Truth, Free From A
MP3 8. Tera Mangala - He Wandered Through Forests, C
MP3 9. Tera Mangala - And He Met Many Sages and Wise
MP3 10. Tera Mangala - He Learned From Them All, But
MP3 11. Tera Mangala - The Importance of Moderation,
MP3 12. Tera Mangala - Buddha Practiced Moderation In
MP3 13. Tera Mangala - He did Not Indulge In Life's F
MP3 14. Tera Mangala - He Ate and Drank Only What He
MP3 15. Tera Mangala - And He Never Let His Senses Ta
MP3 16. Tera Mangala - He Taught His Disciples To Do
MP3 17. Tera Mangala - To Find Balance and Avoid Extr
MP3 18. Tera Mangala - Their Desires and Passions, an
MP3 19. Tera Mangala - To Let Go of Attachments and M
MP3 20. Tera Mangala - For Buddha knew that too much
MP3 21. Tera Mangala - Could Lead To Suffering and De
MP3 22. Tera Mangala - Of Craving and Addiction, Of G
MP3 23. Tera Mangala - Could Only Bring Pain, and Nev
MP3 24. Tera Mangala - So he preached the Middle Way,
MP3 25. Tera Mangala - A Balanced Life, Free From All
MP3 26. Tera Mangala - A Way of Being That Brought Co
MP3 27. Tera Mangala - A Way of Living That None Coul
MP3 28. Tera Mangala - Buddha Practiced Moderation, a
MP3 29. Tera Mangala - In All Aspects of Life, Whethe
MP3 30. Tera Mangala - For In Moderation, We Find Tru
MP3 31. Tera Mangala - And the Path To Ultimate Reali
MP3 32. Tera Mangala - So let us follow Buddha's exam
MP3 33. Tera Mangala - With Mindfulness, Let's Give O