No Flashlight - Mount Eerie

No Flashlight

Mount Eerie

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2005-08-16
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 15

  • ℗ 2005 P.W. Elverum & Sun


Title Artist Time
I Know No One 2:32 USD 0.99
I Hold Nothing 5:00 USD 0.99
The Moan 2:53 USD 0.99
In the Bat's Mouth 1:33 USD 0.99
No Inside, No Out 1:52 USD 0.99
(2 Lakes) 1:09 USD 0.99
Stop Singing 3:02 USD 0.99
No Flashlight 3:04 USD 0.99
(2 Mountains) 1:19 USD 0.99
The Air In the Morning 3:02 USD 0.99
The Universe Is Shown 1:54 USD 0.99
What? 2:57 USD 0.99
How? 2:24 USD 0.99
No Flashlight 3:54 USD 0.99
(2 Moons) 1:07 USD 0.99
No Flashlight - Mount Eerie
Cover Album No Flashlight - Mount Eerie


  • Haunting, ghostly, and eerie. Buy at you're own risk.
    By GraybeardArkansasian
    I think this music is brilliant but may put off other people with it's haunting and brooding songs. If you like music that brings to your head images of mountain skylines before dark, the dark silhouettes of trees at dawn, a crackling campfire among the pines, and long walks through trees to a silent, still lake than this music is for you. If Phil Elverum were to score a soundtrack for an atmospheric, woodsy, maybe apocalyptic film like say Stake Land or The Road I would be so into that. In my opinion this album is more raw and real than PH's other two albums after this ( Clear Moon and Wind's Poem ) but they're worth a good listening to also. This is thinking man's music and i think it's brilliant. When I was sick and couldn't sleep one night i listened to this album twice over and it seemed to help alittle. In my opinion you should listen to his newest album first ( Clear Moon ) and if you dig that listen to Wind's Poem, and if you like that then I believe No Flashlight is for you. This is the pure music of Pacific Northwest's wildernesses if you ask me :)
  • none needed
    By AJ English
    One of the most beautiful and eclectic offerings from this extremely prolific artist (Phil Elvrum). His ability to blend dark eerie (no pun intended) and majestic melodies within the same barely creeping rhythyms make for a very personal and intraspective experience. With titles like "I Know No One" leading into "I Hold Nothing" you feel like you're a part of an intimate storyline, craving each new chapter. Definitely reccommended.